
In order to get a successful YouTube channel, and therefore create some brand consciousness and reach the target audience, we must first dedicate ourselves completely towards content creation. In addition to the high-quality content that people will watch, it’s important to stay consistent in your posting schedule in order for people to keep watching your stuff and in order to get more viewers to your channel. If you put out high-quality content on a regular basis to your channel, your audience gets used to seeing your videos and knows on which days and at what time you post a new video, so they can wait for the show to start, popcorn in hand! So, today we will talk about how often should you upload on YouTube.

How many videos should you post?

It is our firm belief that the absolute minimum is one video posted per week. There are channels that upload videos maybe two, or even one time per month, but these are channels that have a long history of being on YouTube and have high-quality production workflows. One example of this sort of channel is the channel Vsauce, since the topics discussed in those videos take a lot of research before they can be compressed into a single video, and the quality of the production can rival and even outstrip some TV-produced content. For some less-demanding niches, you can freely post two or three times a week, that is to say if you’re making shorter videos.

What do you get by posting regularly?

By making regular uploads we in fact “feed” the YouTube algorithm, and increase our chances of it getting recommended to new people, i.e. Being in their “recommended for you” page. Of course, it needs to be quality content that people will watch and not just a hunk of clickbait that people will turn away from immediately. If people turn off your video immediately, the algorithm won’t show your video to new people. By taking breaks longer than two weeks, you will kill the reach of your channel and it’s hard to bounce back from that, believe me.

Is posting new videos every day the way forward?

Some YouTubers used to work with a daily upload schedule. Keep in mind that it’s very demanding, especially if you’re doing all the shooting and editing by yourself. Some vloggers that I follow, such as Roman Atwood, would post self-edited minutes that lasted anything between 15 and 20 minutes. Roman’s record was over 3 years, i.e. over 1000 videos, one uploaded every day. However, this can lead to burnout. That’s why today, YouTubers outsource their products, and in fact pay for the shooting and editing so that they can focus on the content. Some even pay a script writer for each video. Another downside of uploading too frequently is that you will attract an audience that will be really unhappy if you decide to stop, or take a shorter break. So, if you want to have a daily upload schedule, good organizational skills and time management skills, as well as planning out your content in advance is a very important factor so that you can get everything done on time!

Quality or consistency?

So, what should you focus on when starting out a channel? Now this is an interesting question, but as I’ve said before in the video, YouTube tends to favor and suggest channels that are consistent, aka creators that post on a regular basis. Some repetition bears in mind, in that you don’t have to post clips every day, especially ones that are completely unrelated to your content and something nobody wants to watch. You’ll have to find a balance between quantity and quality, to post things regularly enough while still retaining the soul of your channel.

Today we discussed how frequently you should post videos, and I hope that you’ve learned something new. Our team, Tubesecrets, is in the business of running YouTube channels. You don’t have do to all the work by yourself, you can leave a part of the work to us. If you do have any questions or comments, you can write a question in the comments. Visit our website and fill out the form for the free channel audit, during which we can give you some suggestions related to the improvement of your content.