
Terms of Service

Terms and Conditions

Tubesecrets.org will perform the services of YouTube marketing for The Buyer in exchange for pre-arranged monetary payment.

Tubesecrets.org and The Buyer agree that the services provided by Tubesecrets.org in the buyer’s stead are for the purposes of improving The Buyer’s YouTube visibility and performance, and that there are browser and algorithm changes made by the YouTube team for which Tubesecrets.org has no direct control or access over.

Therefore, Tubesecrets.org and The Buyer are in agreement that Tubesecrets.org has the right to change some of The Buyer’s selected services, on the condition that such changes are effected to provide The Buyer with better results.

Before any purchase is finalized, The Buyer is free to contact The Seller (i.e. Tubesecrets.org) and to receive a detailed explanation of all of the services he would like buy and to be provided with

Terms of Agreement

The contract is effective from the moment The Buyer (or The Buyer’s Representative) makes the payment and leaves his information. By giving his information and making the payment, The Buyer agrees to be represented by Tubesecrets.org and agrees to the conditions of this contract. The contract is automatically renewed on a monthly basis, until one of the parties requests a termination of the contract. (There are services that are performed on a monthly level, ie. Package deals, as well as one-term services, ie. Individual Services).

Termination of Agreement

If The Buyer purchases any of the monthly services, ie. Packages, he retains the right to terminate The Contract at any point while the Contract is active. If the Contract is not terminated while active, he is obliged to pay The Seller for one more month of services, otherwise the Service will be stopped until the Service has been paid.

If the buyer buys a service which is not part of a monthly package (Individual Services such as Channel Graphic Design (Channel Icon, Channel Art), video creations (Video editing, Video Intro, Video Outro, Video Voice Over), and is dissatisfied with the quality of the Service bought, he may request the Service to be redone or fixed, or he may terminate The Contract.

If the buyer wants to cease the activity of one or more services that he has bought, he is obligated to inform The Seller via email


Payment is be handled via invoice, after Tubesecrets.org is given all of the necessary information to make an invoice via email.

Payment is to be done via fill-in form with a debit card of PayPal.

Refunds are only available in the first 24h period after a Service has been bought. Sales are final after 24 hours and there are no refunds after the initial period of any charge for an Individual Service of Monthly Package.

Intellectual Property Ownership

Tubesecrets.org guarantees that all of the elements used in its Services such as text-writing, video voice-overs, video editing, and graphic designs do not break online copywright law and be original products. Tubesecrets.org also guarantees that the buyer will receive all of the parts of the final product if he so chooses (raw text data, graphical files, audio files, and video files).

All content on the our website is copyrighted and any unauthorized copying, distributing, modifying, appropriating and promoting this content without the consent of the author and permission is strictly prohibited and punishable under the Copyright Act.

By using our site, you confirm that you accept this Notice and the conditions and manner of processing yours data. (More detailed information on how personal data is processed and user rights are presented in the document Privacy Police for users of our services who you can find it on our website.)

 If you do not agree with the above, please do not use our site.

Tubesecrets.org reserves the right to change Privacy Police. Please check back periodically

possible changes to the said Privacy Police in order to be informed about it in a timely manner


Business secret

All information and data collected during the provision of services in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions are considered trade secret.

Tubesecrets.org, owner and employees, as well as others persons who, due to the nature of the work they perform, have access to data that constitute a trade secret, no they may disclose this information to third parties, nor use it against the interest of the Tubesecrets.org and its users, nor can they allow third parties to access this data.

The obligation to keep business secrets for the persons from the previous paragraph does not end even after the termination of the status on the basis of when they gained access to data that is a trade secret.

Exemption from the obligation to keep business secrets is explicitly provided by law, so the data will be provided  represent a trade secret to the competent courts, prosecutors’ offices and other state bodies which such data are authorized to be requested in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Personal data protection

Tubesecrets.org collect and process personal data exclusively under the conditions and in the manner provided by law ( General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR) and / or with the prior consent of the person whose data are subject to collection and processing by foreign Tubesecrets.org.

Exclusion from liability of the Tubesecrets.org

Tubesecrets.org to perform the services that are the subject of this Agreement in accordance with the applicable legal regulations, norms and standards for this type of work and to manage the execution of all services;

You agree that you are responsible for the results obtained by using the Services.

In no event shall the website be liable for any loss or dissatisfaction, which may arise as a result of something read on our site or could be inferred from the content of our site.Tubesecrets.org guarantees you the use of services, ideas and information, and guarantees that you will be satisfied with the services we provide and that you have paid for.

The Buyer will be notified of any change and new idea that tubesecrets.org intends to implement on the customer’s video or channel and its implementation will be done only after the customer agrees with the proposal.

Neither Contracting Party shall be liable for failure to fulfill any obligations for reasons beyond its control.

Jurisdiction of the court

The contracting parties will try to resolve everything in a peaceful manner in the spirit of good business practice and business morale.

 Any dispute relating to these conditions shall be subject exclusively to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Contracting States.

Our company informs users about changes to these General Terms and Conditions as well as about their availability via the website https://tubesecrets.org/.